- Set a time frame and work plan for all work to be done. Do what? By When?
- How are you going to do it, what tools or application programs are you going to use?
- Collect, select and organize your media in a folder on Students Storage and name it appropriately
1. 29.04 Start planning for my poem. Begin making story board.
2. 06.05 Finish story board. Then start planning further details such as music, pictures and etc
3. 12.05 Search for specific music that will fit into my poem and pictures.
4. 18.05 Start thinking what kind of effect, transition, visuals and backgrounds of the movie maker Start combining them into the Window movie maker.
5. 22.05Still combining and putting credits too
6. 28.05Check through and find problems and fix it... Done..!
How am I going to do it?
I will be using the Window movie maker.
There I will use various types of video effects. But I will
try to use effects that are smooth which will make my video
go smoothly.
The text will be cursive..well that is what I am thinking.